Pedaldeck Pedal Fixing Tape 1 metre


Pedal Board Tape is fast becoming the product used by professionals. Ok I know we ship our products with FREE double sided hook and loop self adhesive tape as a standard offer, but we are also conscious that our gigging ‘muso’s’ may want something a but more robust for the rigours of the road.

Pedaldeck recommends dual lock quality Pedal Board Tape

Pedal Board Tape is fast becoming the product used by professionals. Ok I know we ship our products with FREE double sided hook and loop self adhesive tape as a standard offer, but we are also conscious that our gigging ‘muso’s’ may want something a but more robust for the rigours of the road.

Benefits we like.
1. Its sticks pedals together to the board really securely, even in the back of a transit van, they just stay put!
2. The adhesive bonding glue sticks firmly to our powder coated Pedaldeck Aluminium surface.
3. You don’t need too much! A 1 metre length provide a half metres worth of two part tabs which can be cut in just 25 mm squares. Enough for 10 standard sized pedals (such as Boss or TC Heilcon) which is enough tape for any one of our boards.
4. It keeps you board looking neat. No excess hook and loop showing or snagging on anything else.
5. It is worth the money. You could have hundreds of pounds worth of pedals on your board, even thousands, so “fix em good”!

6. Sold in 1 Metre units. Please order multiples of 1m if you need more?

Keeping your pedals on a Pedaldeck board makes sense for so many reasons. Having all of your precious stomp-boxes securely mounted, cabled up and powered makes setting up and breaking down at a gig so much easier. Even the spare bedroom shredders appreciate a quick ‘grab and get playing’ set up.

Most people want to be able to rearrange their pedal layouts from time to time and hook and loop type products have become the most common products to use. It has limitations though as heavy pedals can come unstuck in transit and, with lots of use, the fuzzy side can wear out over time.

Unlike hook and loop type products which have hooks on one side (the scratchy bit) and loops on the other (the fuzzy bit), Pedaldeck Pedal Fixing Tape interlocks to itself via rows of tiny, plastic, mushroom-shaped nodules, forming a much stronger bond.

Quality adhesive backing is also a key factor. Its no good having heavy duty interlocking tape if the sticky stuff doesn’t bond properly to your aluminium pedal board. We’ve had this product under ‘road test’ for some months now and we’re happy to include it in our product offering, because it has performed really well.

Weight 0.5 kg